The rapids of the Ylä-Kemijoki river are facing a new period when the king salmon of the Gulf of Bothnia returns to its original home after over six decades. Relocation of fish will begin in the summer of 2015. Wild salmon weighing an average of 8kg will be caught from the mouth of the Kemijoki river. After they have been inspected by a veterinary surgeon, weighed and labelled, they will be transferred by car to their new home in the region of the municipality of Savukoski, to the Savukoski, Miekkakoski and Pahtakoski rapids.
This project has been administered by the Registered Association of the Savukoski Fishermen (Kalastajan Savukoski ry), but you can also play a significant role in this momentous eco-statement.
Make an important eco-statement and sponsor your own named salmon to be returned to its new home rapids. This impressive animal can be a mascot for your company and you can follow its progress in our virtual rapids. As a new product, we also offer team-sponsorship of salmon, providing an opportunity for eight individuals to pay a share each to transfer a salmon to the Ylä-Kemijoki river.